08 January 2009

To Date

Spring 2008 I obtained Brad Voeller's excellent book
Accelerated Distance Learning (ADL) for no apparent reason. Mom probably bought it for me. (Thanks Mom :D) Voeller elaborates basic concepts and methods of ADL using his own very motivating experience. After reading, I quickly started finding other materials and sources: Bear's Guide to College Degrees by Mail and Internet, Bear's Guide to Earning Degrees by Distance Learning, and College without Compromise as a start. Fall 2008 I started looking into Grove City College through my interest in Clarence B. Carson and Thomas Sowell, both of whom had taught at GCC. At the time I was considering a degree in Economics and their Austrian Economics was just what I wanted. But changes in family circumstances made going to a private college impossible. So I turned my attention back to distance learning. And became more excited than before.

I am preparing for CLEP test in College Algebra, Precalculus, and Analyzing and Interpreting Literature to be taken next week. And discovering new options in ADL.

A Bachelor's degree in Communications or English (or both) and a Master's in Library Science, all through distance learning. Then move to D.C. and work in the Library of Congress. *grin* With this blog I hope to record my progress toward these goals as an easy reference for myself and my younger brother, when/if he needs it.

More info forth coming...